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 An Explanation for Why We Exist  


Who We Are: A company that loves MUSIC and the people that make it! We create once-in-a-lifetime interviews for an artist and a fan who we think could create a magical, inspiring, and informative interaction for all to enjoy.

Ultimate Goal: Our music blog in light will bring genuine emotion and conversation for whoever is involved and whoever can enjoy. We value passion, professionalism, and people and with that in mind we stay focused on giving hope and happiness the best way we know how, with people and their music.

With understanding who we are and our ultimate goal we can explain WHY we exist


Music is something we live, eat and breathe. If you have ever been a die-hard fan of anything then you know, There are some questions to be asked. “Where were you guys when you wrote blah and blah”, “Who is the worst to have to sleep next to on the road” “Who would you like to collaborate with?!?!?”, “Are you having fun yet?” lighthearted but IMPORTANT question, lowdowns of studio sessions, embarrassing childhood memories, and pranks during the interview are never frowned upon. We want to give a fan and an artist a reminder of why we all love music so much and reflect on how much it gives us in return like friends, happiness, dancing of course… and all the important things.

FanViewCorp is here to broadcast our appreciation to the artist, the music, and the fans.

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